Daily journal: 2. THOUGHTS

I woke up like from a nightmare, it was warm but it riped apart the feelings. It was like an avalanche coming inside out. At first I was confused then I realisez how much it bothered me what happened lately. All the thoughts we have at night increase trough sleep and get deeper, that’s why when I woke up I felt exhausted. You know it’s just another daily struggle and we are causing it. I overthink everything, I empathise.. huge advantages in understand the world but huge mistakes for my internal self. Is it bad to want to understand others? Is it bad to want to pull them to you? Maybe, but rationally you can’t go over other’s will.

I started writting another day of my struggle, Why? I dont know, it makes me feel better the thought that someone is listening, maybe they find themselves in this, maybe they overcame it or just maybe I’m being selfish.

Why so many thoughts? Is it better to sealed them?