Daily journal: 11. I’m-Perfection

Some of us strike for perfection. I’ m one of „them” too and I’ve always asked myself „why?”, ” why is not enough what we have or do now?”.

The answer that I got has all to do with our childhood, with our early encounters related to important people who passed trough our life or are still in it, with actions and words we perceived shocking in an emotional way.

We are indeed a of our past, present and wanted future.

To speak in details, maybe the reason we look for perfection or for more is due to lack of objects and people in life as we are trying to fill that whole..

Maybe we heard too many times:

– You are not good enough.

You don’t know what you’re doing..

– You cant do anything..

– You are not made to do that..

– You don’t have the skills or the talent.

What contributed to our present are other’s words even if it’s our life, ironical.. At that time when we were kids I don’t think we could have realized this however now that we are adults we can heal ourselves of perfection and strike for ” the best that I can do”.

looking around, stop comparing, stop labeling, living not your perfect version or a past one but your best version that you could be in the present striking for your future.